Totally Integrated Enterprises PDF Download. Download free ebook of Totally Integrated Enterprises in PDF format or read online by Thomas E. Miller,Daryle W. Berger 9781420032031 Published on 2001-06-22 by CRC Press
At the foundation of today's leading-edge manufacturing companies is a common vision for virtual, distributed enterprise in an agile environment where organizations can swiftly and cost-effectively bring products from concept to production - and respond dynamically to changes in customer and market requirements. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement provides a framework and a methodology for understanding and mapping current enterprise configurations as well as for designing the revised architecture needed for the totally integrated enterprise. It also helps you select the MRPII, MES, APS, SCM, or ERP software most appropriate for your needs and for achieving total enterprise integration. MRPII, MES, APS, SCM, and ERP. Without a strategic direction it is just alphabet soup. How do you determine what is best for your organization? Which software system is most appropriate to your needs? Courses, classes, seminars, and experts galore are available to help you learn and implement the fine details of every value-add, cost-saving, customer-pleasing, quality-improving, buzzword-compliant business initiative you have ever heard of, and many that you haven't. What has been missing is a way to tie them together. Until now. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and a Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement gives you a high-level enterprise architecture that makes the implementation of best practices and technologies - both existing and emergent - manageable. This book shows you how to: Improve your product and process integration, as well as develop and deliver new products within a virtual enterprise Incorporate business strategies and functions to drive product design and manufacturing requirements, operations, and post-production activities Integrate designers, manufacturers, and suppliers to operate as a virtual enterprise Create, staff, and empower integrated product teams resulting in higher quality products Communicate enterprise information to and from every stakeholder in the virtual enterprise in real or near-real time Manage production among facilities and exchange production data and status information as a routine basis of business Acquisitions and mergers have left many enterprises with a legacy of varied cultures, resources, and processes that must be reshaped into a single, integrated whole. Increasing pressures from global competition force enterprises to become cost-effective, high-quality providers to traditional customers and push them to develop new markets and product lines. Nearly every enterprise needs to make the transition to a globally interdependent business paradigm. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement gives you the key definitions that allow you to understand and communicate with vendors, consultants, and experts in the field. Using the techniques in this book you will see the results so often promised - but not realized - from technology.
This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword Methodology.
Book ID of Totally Integrated Enterprises's Books is o5pRl-I-B6IC, Book which was written by Thomas E. Miller,Daryle W. Berger have ETAG "xZuA9j2Sm+0"
Book which was published by CRC Press since 2001-06-22 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781420032031 and ISBN 10 Code is 1420032038
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "224 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
Book was written in en
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